
Suffering and enlightment

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Is suffering important for you to get some sort of enlightment? What do you think?
I don't like the idea of suffering, but I have known suffering. And I believe everyone have varying degrees of suffering and its possible to overcome suffering.

Most of us come into the world whole, but in darkened awareness of our wholeness we quickly grow an ego that wants all kinds of things to fill those "empty" holes. We are born into a body that rises and falls, lives and dies. Our body is corruptible and will go through a dying process that involves suffering for many people. To deny that for ourself and especially as a judgment for others to loose our compassion.

But having said that, I deeply believe it is possible to rise above suffering, for I have (or at least am trying) to overcome it. I discussed this with my father just a couple of hours ago and he made me realise that there comes a place as we loose the attachment for the physical as being our identity. We are able to shift our identity to a truer space and suffering turns into a pain that can be more easily released. 

Based on my 1 year experience in being a pet owner, I realise that animals do suffer emotional pain. But I guess unlike us humans, they do not contract and hold on to the pain. Most of our suffering comes from holding on to pain and turning it into some kind of badge or identity. Ugh..turning into a psychosis fixation. And that can be really maddening. 

For me the process of becoming has lead to the transcending of attachment to suffering. For years I must have danced back and forth with pain and pleasure. Me not me. Good and bad. All the dualities which clutch and pull one into wanting something other than how it is. When I was not accepting "what is" and thinking something out there could fill it or something that did not occur was the cause...that turned to suffering. 

But there comes a time where we have to take responsibility and rather than projecting something which is unfinished or unacknowledged out there as the cause of our suffering we learn to contain it. At that place of containing something miraculous can occur instead of identifying with the yin/yang of suffering attachment/rejection, we can identify the circle that contains everything within. At that place suffering dissolves and something else occurs; because we have learned to embrace all within, we find we can honor others and allow them to be as they are without judgement or contraction. 

My father said that our past is our teacher. We must be wise in order to put an end on suffering, when it's needed. We decide when it's the "right" moment to do so. So yes, I hate the idea of suffering but I believe that it is necessary in the process of knowing onself, knowing who we really are and not who we choose to be. And if we bear the pain till the end, the reward is mental freedom..peace of mind. 

Today I am choosing to lay aside the "suffering" and try to focus on the goodness in my life.



Anonymous said...

In my opinion it isn’t necessary. As a Catholic, the example of Jesus is quite telling: he traveled all his life, having dinners, meeting people and yet we remember him going though “passion” , nailed to the cross in the last days of his life.

The same applies to other avatars of humanity, such as Buddha: they were enjoying life. But for some reason the idea has gone round about suffering as a justification for us to go to heaven, or to sacrifice to others.

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