
The way of the tiger

Monday, May 24, 2010

A man was walking through a forest when he saw a crippled fox. He thought, "How in the world is that fox going to feed itself?" At that moment, a tiger approached carrying a prey in its mouth. The tiger then ate it and left what remained to the fox.

"If God helps the fox, he will help me too," the man thought. He went back home, shut himself up in his house and waited for the Heavens to bring him food.

Nothing happened. Just when he was becoming too weak to go out and work, an angel appeared. "Why did you decide to imitate the crippled fox?" asked the angel. "Get out of bed, pick up your tools and follow the way of the tiger!"

This story really touched me.

I believe in something called individual potential, that you were put on this earth to do what you could according to your potential. We aren’t given gifts so that they could be neglected, we must put them to use and reap the benefits, but not just for us, for the entire human race.

The crippled fox reminded me of a lot of people in society who are always waiting for other people (whether more fit or people with more resources) to help them. 

The way of the tiger is more exciting.

We would never grow, evolve, and become better if we would wait for others. Life has to be accepted with all advantages and disadvantages, with ups and downs.

It wouldn’t be complete without it.

Besides, when we conquer whatever comes up in our life, it’s like climbing a mountain, the satisfaction we feel at the top is…priceless. God helps those who help themselves, one must be on the hunt like the tiger, not sitting around wishful thinking. 

The way of the tiger is a profound thought. The only difference between seeing the landscape as beautiful and magical and mysterious, or seeing it as sad and dull, is simply your choice! 


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