
No more LOST

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The final LOST was not as expected. I loved the warm, spiritual, emotional ending and was happy to see that the movements toward grace and redemption happened by way of forgiveness, courage, turst and gentleness. There are awesome fight scenes, hugs and smiles, jumping off cliffs and TEARS! 

“See you in another life, brotha.” Oh Desmond, how visionary you are! Indeed, what happened  happened. 

Our characters carried around their baggage, endured their trials, died too soon or after long lives, and then finally in this finale, let go. 

Emotionally, I feel fulfilled. The characters’ psychological arcs found resolution. The fact that this happened only after death isn’t as much my cup of tea, but I’m willing to accept it. Emotionally satisfying, yes.  Intellectually, perhaps not as much.

I guess didn’t get the ending I wanted, but you’d have to have a heart of stone not to be moved by what happened in "flash sideways land". These broken souls–chosen because they were like Jacob, flawed and spiritually lost–finally let go. Only together could they become the people they’d always wanted to be–perhaps that they were meant to be. 

I can't help but think though that the writers gave up on explaining the mysteries of the island and decided instead to finish up with a final season that focused on the importance of human relationships, love and kindness, redemption, etc as the key to moving into the light (heaven?). 

I think we are meant to believe that the island is real. It is governed by supernatural forces that we don't understand. The plane did crash. The mysteries of the island are all very real and exist in our world, assuming LOST world is real world. Some of the characters died on the island and some escaped the island on the plane, to continue their lives off the island. But as we were told, everyone eventually dies. The light is some source for good or truth that must be guarded so that the world doesn't fall under the domain of darkness or evil. 

What we don’t know are answers to so, so many of the questions that bothered us throughout the series: Why can Hurley and Miles talk to dead people?  For that matter, what the hell was Jacob’s cabin, if he actually lived in the bottom of the foot statue? Who built that statue, anyhow, and why? Why can’t women have children on the Island? How did the first person find the Island? Why is Jack in love with Kate (seriously??!!)

I could continue forever. Every question only begets another question.

Anyway, I love LOST. I am both devastated and relieved that it’s over. The finale was very entertaining for sure. I didn’t even notice it took two and a half hours, and I didn’t want it to end when it did.

So that’s it then, huh? No more LOST.


Andy Milson said...

This is great. Really good snapshot of Lost and the finale. Well written. *thumbs up*

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