
Why I HATE Sarah Sidle from CSI

Thursday, July 22, 2010

We are just re-watching the previous seasons of CSI Las Vegas and everytime Sarah the bloody c*cksucker opens her mouth, I can't help myself but bitch. Theres just something about Sarah Sidle that rubs me the wrong way! She think she's ultra superior and that her opinions are gospel. URGHHHHHH... Anyway here are some of the reasons why I JUST CAN'T STAND HER..
  • She's an emotional basket case and she thinks that the entire world revolves around her. 
  • Pretty much every word that comes out from her bloody annoying mouth is dripping with angst.
  • She's got problems with authority and overall she's just a snot who treats everyone like dirt.
  • And for god sake, she's no where near beautiful. In the series, they try to potray her as a desirable woman - but for crying out loud! She's a spoiled, competitive tyrant who just whines when she doens't get her way!
  • She's a teacher's pet...oh just pissing me off even more thinking about it.
  • She thinks she knows it all but really she knows very little.
I can't believe Grissom is now married to her. What on earth does he see in her? She is ONE BIG boring workholic. And now she's back..URGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! To all the anti-sarah fans out there..GET YOUR BARF BAGS READY!


Anonymous said...

if this page had a like button to the article and could be liked limitless. i would keep pressing that button till my fingers are sore.knowing there is atleast one person in the world who hates her like i do is making me very happy. i just googled "who hates sarah side" and clicked this. she walks and talks like a man.thank u so much for writing that.

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I could never understand what Grissom saw in her and then I figured he had a savior complex, because Sarah was a wreck, plus she was whiny and unattractive and more of a problem within the department than Warrick ever was, but she obviously had a hero worship thing for him, so I figure she did something for his ego. That relationship still felt like a professor taking advantage of an unstable student. And I hated the way she treated Warrick and Catherine, too, even though they were senior to her and better CSIs.

Anonymous said...

I agree with all these points, though they mostly say the same thing. She feels superior. For me though it's the over-blown angst that the Sara Sidle character has, almost all the time. I can't stand angst... whine, complain, sniff, boo-hoo, blah blah blah. It grates on my nerves like rusty forks on a chalk board after a 24 hour binge. Also unattractive, the closest thing I can compare her to is an animated corpse. I tried giving the series a go with Fishburne, but just couldn't get inot it as much without Grissom. Bring back Sara Sidle??? Done, gone, and adios to this once classic series. Thank gods for NCIS and Bones!!!

Anonymous said...

Hate is too strong a word. I feel more a sense of somewhere between repulsion and annoyance, at the character Sarah Sidle, and the complete nerd/pseudo intellectual package she portrays, with her unkempt hair and work attire; her chick-dude swagger- a combination not uncommon in the real world. But in entertainment "stories," usully such characters are written with at least some redeeming quality like quirkiness, wit, or likeable charm, to offset lack of visual appeal. I find it curious that a popular series would purposely write a female character, whose roll is not an empowered boss or coniveing manipulater, as totally devoid of SOME appeal. Seems a hindrance to viewership. How much of this negative image is brought about by Jorja Fox's choice to play it so. At the risk of being too critical of the actor, she should demand an image consultant, at least. While entertainment dramatists continue to bore us to death by the tiresome, trite, and so NOT realistic workplace dress code of tight fitting, cleveage-revealing tops on female characters, why leave Sarah Sidle/Jorja Fox to be a total dog? And as far as pairing Sarah Sidle, of all the unlikely female characters in the cast, with Grissom, was just another curiously gross writing move. I mean, gag me! Not one molecule of screen chemistry; no history, or veiled flirtation; no glances. Grissom was such a hunky nerd. The two of them never even kissed. That was a very unfortunate pairing. It's not surprising their marriage was long-distance. Also, Grissom's leaving why I quit watching.

Anonymous said...

Ì think it's a case of what we want to see in a fictional character. I watched the same show over its entirely run, and I came to admire this character tremendously. She came out of a tragic family background, grew up in the fostercare system, went to two topnotch universities, worked for rwo high-ranked labs; all of these showed me she's intelligent, and made her way through life. What is to be snickered at?

All the hateful and hurtful comments on this page did nothing to diminish Sara, they only put spotlight on the commenter.

Mr. William Petersen is no dummy, and back then he recognized and appreciated what Jorja could bring to this character. His Grissom was not a shallow skirt-chaser, he saw a kindred spirit in Sara and he loved her for what she was. Neither of them was perfect, but these two flawed characters made a compelling and unconventional pair. Mr. Petersen stayed true to this story arc, hence we got the happy finale ending in spite the dim-witted writer broke them up because he didn'the know how to write a long-distance marriage.

If you think love is all kissing or a romp between the sheets, CSI is not the show for you. The CSI folks did a remarkable job to give us a great police procedual crime drama with just enough touch of charscters' personal lives on the side. The most soapy character actually was Catherine. All her personal problems with her ex, her daughter, her biological father, her lousy taste in men, the ups and downs she had at workplace, but it just showed the viewers that a criminalist is no crime fighting robot. Personal problems do happen.

As for hating a fictional character, don't you think it is very sad to spend all those energy on Negativity? Sara didn't think she was better than Warrick or anyone. Besides, Grissom put her in an unpleasant position to start with. Holly Gribbs died because Warrick left the rookie at the crime scene and went to do his personal stuff, like placing bet. So basically his absence was part of the reason for Holly's death. I do wish fans can look at the events and characters in proper context.

It's your privilege to hate, but as a long time fan I think Petersen knows Grissom best, if his Grissom could fell for Sara, that is that.

Kira Klein said...

Nearly 7 years but ugh I could not agree with you more! I've never liked her first watching (though I was a baby teen when the series started) but now I'm rewatching (thanks Hulu!) and I honestly just hate her now. The beginning she was childishly terrible to any woman who would talk to Grissom (especially Lady Heather, Sofia, facial reconstruction lady) and undermining (even yelling at) her superiors so many times. (How was she not written up?)

This was a character with zero likability, not even her backstory wasn't enough or reason to be such a crap person to everyone (including victims!).

Honestly, I always wished (as it aired) that she and Greg would get together as smart child-adults and Grissom either got with Lady Heather or alone. After they got together, I stopped watching.

But I'm glad to see that others feel the same and I feel like I can make it past where I swore it off knowing there are places to rant (even 7 year old posts lol).

Kira Klein said...

"As for hating a fictional character, don't you think it is very sad to spend all those energy on Negativity?"

But... isn't your hating on hating a fictional character very sad too? I mean, your reply was longer than original post.
Just because someone doesn't agree with your opinion you can't pull that hypocritical card out.

Anonymous said...

Another Sara fan!! In the end--guess what!! Sara won the man she loved and who loved her! If you watched the Paley event at the end of the series, it was pretty clear who Petersen wanted as his love interest. (It was also funny that Jorja took a while to warm up to him! The man who thinks he's a lady-killer couldn't get this brunette to like him--and check out his previous and current wives to see a strong similarity in all 3). Jorja Fox is a great actress--and created such a wonderful character in Sara Sidle! Long live GSR!!

fatirah on May 11, 2017 at 7:05 AM said...

...and here I thought there was something wrong with me for despising this woman so much. The very inflection of her voice, making it seem that everything is a question. She is a selfish, know-it-all and to think of her married to Grissom, good nigbt nurse! I agree with the poster above, Lady Heather would have been much more believable. I dislike everything about Sidle; from the lie-gap in her teeth, to the way she looks at people so coldly. Ugh!!!

fatirah on May 11, 2017 at 7:09 AM said...

I agree, except that I do not think hate is too strong of a word for this person.

fatirah on May 11, 2017 at 7:11 AM said...

I agree, except that I do not think hate is too strong of a word for this person.

fatirah on May 11, 2017 at 7:13 AM said...

btw, I know that I'm way late with this, but I'm watching a rerun and Sara Sidle is sooo grating, I decided to see if anyone's feelings were the same as mine. 😊

fatirah on May 11, 2017 at 7:14 AM said...

btw, I know that I'm way late with this, but I'm watching a rerun and Sara Sidle is sooo grating, I decided to see if anyone's feelings were the same as mine. 😊

fatirah on May 11, 2017 at 8:28 AM said...

Kira, I am watching reruns too, but I still dislike Sara as much, if not more, than before. Such a repulsive persona!

Anonymous said...

I watched this show From the beginning till Grissom left. Every character was great, acting was spot on. Except... Sarah Sidle... Like a previous commenter said, I always thought she looked like corpse. What really rubbed the wrong way was constant super angst and gloating. Rewatching the series today, she really reminds me of today's extremist SJWs/feminazis. Thank gods for streaming without commercials today, least one can skip past her and keep your good mood going.

Unknown on December 11, 2019 at 2:52 PM said...

It's 12-10-2019, and I am just starting to rewatch/binge watch CSI. I forgot how much Sara Sidle gets on my nerves. I mean from word one she is just a nasty little know it all bitch. I'm so relieved to see that it's not just me. Thanks for letting me vent!

Anonymous said...

omg I thought I was the only one that disliked her. I just assumed the actress couldn't emote well. No.... it's just a pernicious and disrespectful character.

Anonymous said...

lol I just started watching all googledthe CSIs on Hulu and almost done with season three. I just paused mid episode to Google 'sarah sidle annoying' to see if anybody else was as annoyed as me- I am not alone lol. she's the worst. I have to wonder if it's how the character is written or how the actress plays the character and I can't help but thinking it's the latter. too bad I love the show but she adds no real value for me. I'd rather they put Greg in the field and had her be the lab rat :)

Anonymous said...

I am glad I found this page. I thought I was going crazy. She is super annoying, too emotionally involved and very rude.

Unknown on September 4, 2020 at 5:58 PM said...

I am in the first season and everytime sarah opens her mouth, all I can see is her teeth and all I can hear is her annoying voice. She's rude to her co workers and superior

Anonymous said...

So happy to have found this page. I'm watching the rerun and I absolutely loathe Sara Sidle. She's so annoying in every way and not even remotely pleasant to look at

Ken Diamond on November 30, 2021 at 8:33 AM said...

All this is great. Except the guy virtue signaling. Sara Sidle is not only insufferably annoying, she is poorly written. You can tell her character is given a hard push as the series goes on, despite having multiple negative traits. I can't help but to think they keep favoring her character, so the LGBTQ doesn't get irate.

Anonymous said...

re-watching in 2022 and i can’t stand her either, the mouth that looks like a butt hole made me laugh 😂 i found so many threads ripping on catherine (um, former exotic dancer, turned more official, still hot status) and none on how awful sara is? wtf

Anonymous said...

I like Sara she's a neat person.

Anonymous said...

Hate is not too strong of a word. Neither is CUNT CUNT BITCH WHORE CUNT although i guess that's five words or maybe three. She is worse than a billions hitlers

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