
My Good Friend - Psyllium Husk

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Unfortunately, the process of having a child does not just involve thinking up baby names and making the spare room into a nursery. One of the first physical symptoms a pregnant woman is likely to experience is being constipated — but the good news is that there are steps you can take to try to get things moving again!

Being unable to pass a bowel motion is common in pregnancy, partly because there's increased pressure on the bowel (even in early pregnancy) and partly because hormones can make the gut less efficient. If you've recently changed your diet to a healthier one for the sake of your baby, you may also find that your guts are a little slow to adapt (this is a polite way of saying that you may find yourself bunged up, and flatulent). In addition, some pregnant women become reluctant to carry out as much exercise for fear of damaging their babies — and regular exercise is known to keep you, er, regular.

During pregnancy, it's important to get plenty of fiber. Some changes in your physiology that occur when you're pregnant make it more likely that you'll get constipated, and you can end up with hemorrhoids as a result. Psyllium powder is a safe source of fiber and helps decrease your risk of digestive trouble.
Psyllium husk is a source of fiber, which is made up of the chemical compound cellulose. Cellulose is very similar in chemical makeup to starch; both consist of long chains of glucose -- sugar -- molecules, explain Drs. Reginald Garrett and Charles Grisham in their book "Biochemistry." Humans can't digest fiber, however, so it contains no calories for you. Still, it's an important component of a healthy diet, and women should get 21 to 25 grams per day, notes the website.

Fiber Benefits

Psyllium husk, like all fiber, has many health benefits. When you consume fiber, it makes you feel more full, which can keep you from overeating. It also decreases the rate at which sugar from your food enters your bloodstream, helping to maintain your blood sugar and prevent diabetes. The increased bulk of your food because of the presence of fiber helps increase the efficiency of your gut, and fiber also binds toxins and cholesterol.

Fiber and Pregnancy

When you're pregnant, fiber in your diet has added benefits. Your higher hormone levels during pregnancy slow your gut down, which can make you more prone to constipation, upset stomach and hemorrhoids because of difficult or hard stools. When you eat plenty of fiber, you help your intestines to continue functioning more smoothly, which can reduce the likelihood of these symptoms, explain Heidi Murkoff and Sharon Mazel in their book "What To Expect When You're Expecting."

Using Psyllium

There are many ways to get fiber in your diet -- fresh fruits and vegetables are a great source -- but you can supplement with psyllium husk powder if you're not sure you're getting enough dietary fiber. Each psyllium husk supplement is slightly different, so check package directions carefully before use. If you have trouble swallowing the powder in liquid -- it can be thick and chalky -- try baking the powder into cookies or purchasing a chewable, bar-type supplement.


One popular method of treating constipation is fiber supplements such as psyllium. Psyllium is a bulk-forming agent that helps stimulate fecal motility within the intestine. In addition, psyllium fiber has absorptive properties that can retain water to soften stools and ease defecation. Since fiber remains in the digestive tract and is not absorbed into the bloodstream, there is low potential for direct toxicity to the fetus. However, the use of fiber supplements should only be used under the guidance of a physician during pregnancy since psyllium fiber can cause bowel obstruction.

Are there are any medical complications to being constipated?
The main complication is feeling extremely uncomfortable, gaseous and generally unwell. Being constipated can affect much more than your bowel — and particularly your mood. However, in the short-term the main complication would be the development of haemorroids, or "piles": these are widened veins in and around the anus that may become painful or bleed. 

How can I remedy the problem?
There are several ways to tackle constipation, most of which don't require a visit to the doctor.
  • Diet
    Adults require 30g of fibre each day to maintain a healthy gut. A medium Granny Smith apple has around four grams, as a guide — or you can use the Calorie Counter to add up how much you have consumed each day. Aiming for five serves of vegies and two serves of fruit each day is a good "rule of thumb" guide. Including a high-fibre breakfast cereal is a good way to get a good hit of fibre in one go. In addition, these cereals are often fortified with vitamins such as folate — essential for a growing baby — and served with calcium-rich milk. Adding a tablespoon of husks like psyllium can also help, though don't overdo it. Too much fibre can affect how many nutrients you can absorb. 
  • Water water
    One thing that fibre does in the gut is expand, sweeping away all those dietary nasties as it goes. But it can't do this if it doesn't have fluid to help it to expand. Drink plenty of fluids (non-caffeinated, non-alcoholic) — water is best, or add a twist of lemon or a sprig of fresh mint to make it taste a little different. If this doesn’t do the trick, some people also swear by prune juice.
  • Exercise
    As mentioned above, regular exercise can help to keep your digestive system to heel. This doesn't mean that you have to run a marathon, nor does it mean plenty of yoga (all that bending and stretching probably isn't a comforting thought if you're feeling bloated). Walking is an ideal form of exercise — walk as fast as is comfortable for at least thirty minutes each day. The good news is, as well, that women who regularly exercise during pregnancy often find that they have shorter, less taxing births and get back into shape more quickly afterwards — another incentive to keep at it!
  • Make time for the loo
    Many women, in particular, find it physically hard to go to the toilet in a public convenience, and including those at work. If you feel uncomfortable spending quality time in the cubicles, try to get up a little earlier and eat your breakfast almost as soon as you get up. This gives your digestive system time to kick into action before you leave the house. Some people also think that drinking a glass of hot water with lemon in it first thing can help to get things moving.
    Other tips include going for a walk at lunchtime, and not arranging activities for immediately after work &151; giving you time at home to put your feet up and relax for a few minutes.
  • Check what you're consuming
    Some pregnant women like to take iron supplements and so on — check with your doctor if these may be having an effect on your bowel function. It's always a good idea to check if any supplement may have an effect on you or your developing baby in any case: for example, vitamin A supplements should not be taken during pregnancy. Your doctor will be able to advise if you can take a constipation-forming medication in another guise, such as in a liquid formulation, and indeed will be able to recommend a safe laxative to use should the above measures not completely clear up your problem.


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