have not found any solid, replicated studies on flax seed oil being
effective in aiding with conception or pregnancy but my naturolpath
swears by it.
I was tyring to conceive, I have read studies which have shown it to be
effective in aiding with conception. It used the principles of the
glycemic index for "good carbs" and "bad carbs" and would be effective
in helping those with insulin resistant fertility issues. I don't know
how effectibe it would be in assisting those without insuin resistant
issues in conceiving but, there again anything that contributes to
overall health, contributes to conception.
oil contains mega-6 and omega-9 essential fatty acids, B vitamins,
potassium, lecithin, magnesium, fibre, protein, zinc and is considered
to be natur's richest source of omega-3 fatty acids. Nearly every system
in the body can benefit from flax seed oil's natural properties
including the reproductive system.
nauturopath told me that Flaxseed oil is great to treat menopausal
symtoms, menstrual cramps, female infertility and endometriosis. Because
the hormone-balancing lignans and plant estrogens (phytoestrogens) in
flaxseed oil help stabilise a women's estrogen-progesterone ratio, they
can have beneficial effects on the menstrual cycle, and relieve the hot
flashes of perimenopause and menopause.

are however differing views as it relates to the taking of the flax
seed oil supplement while pregnant. On one side there are those who
believe that taking the supplement is good for you and your unborn
child, and can only aid with pregnancy. The other view of this is that
there is information that suggests that taking flaxseed oil while
pregnany should not be done as this can be extremely harmful to the
unborn baby. They point to the fact that animal studies have been done
that has shown a negative correlation between flaxseed oil and
pregnancy. There are no studies that have been done on humans but people
do base their results on the animal study.
should also be noted that flaxseed oil does not contain the same levels
of DHA as fish oil. Overall fish oil can be considered better at
providing you with the amount of DHA that you need. There have been some
studies that have been done that show fish oil greatly support
pregnancy and healthy baby development and may even help prevent
if you are pregnant or planning on getting pregnant and are concerned
about the effects that flaxseed oil will have on your pregnancy, it is
best to consult your physician. Your GP should be able to tell you
specifically if it is safe or not for you to take this supplement.
I think the reason most people are unhappy is because they are short-sighted about what they really want. You have to ask yourself the tough questions and take the required time to get to know yourself. I believe we all basically want the same things: comfort, freedom, love, acceptance and to make a contribution to this world. I believe seeking $$$ is what we’ve all been essentially “programmed” to do in order to keeps us all as working cogs in someone else’s machine. But where does it lead? I believe it leads to a false-happy; one where you’re never satisfied because you are reaching for the wrong things. This is the constant struggle we are all in that serves someone else’s purpose, not ours.